Erbach (Blies)


The Erbach is a creek in the eastern Saarland.


The Erbach rises in Naßwald between Altbreitenfelderhof and Höchen and crosses the city of Homburg good 16 km to the southwest. It flows into the Mastau at Schwarzenbach in the assemblies. During its course it flows well as many smaller ponds three large lakes: the castle pond, the pond and the bridge Möhlwoog and the nature reserve close fracture in Bruchhof.

The stream has in its course three left and five right tributaries. The Ebersbach originates at Neubreitenfelderhof and empties into Jägersburg in Hammelstal from the left in the Erbach. Opposite him opens the Taubentalbach, which rises in the upper Pigeon. He reached the Erbach, however, only at high water because you have created a habitat at the mouth in which seeps or evaporates most of the incoming water. The iron Kautenbach springs below the youth campground On God Hubel and ends just before the castle pond from the left. The rock creek rises in Naßwald, near the Websweiler court, runs through the nature reserve at Pottaschbrunnen and flows from the right into the bridge pond. The Schmalaugraben rises at the driving park on the highway before Kleinottweiler, crosses under the A 6 and opens into the Schmalau from the right in the Erbach. The Erbacher Schmalaubach originates at the parking lot before driving rice churches and goes under the Magdeburg road along the Berlin residential parks and opens at Schmalauweg from the right in the Erbach. The rich stream originates at dog sports place in sand village and ends in Close fracture of the left in Erbach.

The Erbach formerly served as a sewer for Homburg and the neighborhoods Jägersburg, Websweiler, Altbreitenfelderhof, Erbach, rice churches, Bruchhof and sand village and was therefore extended with concrete shells. For some time he is effluent-free again. By the end of 2012, the stream should be completely rehabilitated.

Origin of the name

The district of Erbach city of Homburg is named after the creek. The place name comes Erbach in Germany frequently. However, the name origin is not equal, but is derived from Eber or of the alder or by a stream with a stronger Erdmitführung. For the Erbach the first derivation is proved, so it is a stream, on the " struck the boar ." Even the left inflow Ebersbach provides a reference to this name interpretation. In a document of 1346 places "Bird Bach ", " Eberbach " and " Homburg " are mentioned together, so that the spelling " Eberbach " is historical evidence for " Erbach".
