Eristalinus aeneus

Shiny Faulschlammschwebfliege ( Eristalinus aeneus ), male

The Shining Faulschlammschwebfliege ( Eristalinus aeneus ) is a fly from the family of hoverflies (Syrphidae ).


The flies reach a size of 8 to 11 mm. From a distance, the dark and shiny metallic type looks a bit dusty on the head. On closer inspection you can see the dotted and crashing eyes. The sensors are dull brown and the face is bright pollinated. On the bright hairy face a dark Mittelstrieme can be seen. The mesonotum, scutellum and abdomen bronze-colored hairy metallic shiny and bright. In southern Europe, particularly females often have five gray longitudinal lines on the mesonotum. The legs are black, yellow knees. The rail has a course from yellow to black. The wings have light brown veins. The species can be confused with the black eye patch - hoverfly ( Eristalinus sepulchralis ), but which is not as shiny, has slightly wider separate eyes and is smaller.


The Shining Faulschlammschwebfliege is in Europe, North and Central Asia, Africa and North America spread. In Central Europe it is true they are usually near fresh water, coastal lagoons, ponds, slow rivers, streams and irrigation ditches to, inland but also from the water. She flies from April to September.

Way of life

The adults fly very fast and low over the ground vegetation, rocks and plants. They are flower visitors to daisies, Giersch, Coltsfoot and Wild Carrot. In Southern Europe the winter the adult. The larvae live as a rat-tail larvae in muddy waters, silt, Frischwassersickerungen and the impure rock pools on the sea coast, inland in animal manure such as the pigs and at sewage treatment plants.

Taxonomy and systematics

The Shining Faulschlammschwebfliege was described by Scopoli in 1763 under the name Conops aeneus and provided by Latreille in the genus Eristalis 1804. Meigen bordered in 1822, this genus by morphological point of view, especially after the Flügeladerung from. Rondani presented in 1845 the Palaearctic species, including the Shining Faulschlammschwebfliege, in the subgenus Eristalinus together. 1897 were separated from the genus Eristalis by Mik two genera, namely Eristalodes and Lathyrophthalmus, the Shining Faulschlammschwebfliege came to the genus Lathyrophthalmus. The subgenus Eristalinus with few remaining species was also mostly viewed as a separate genus. The directories in the late 20th century, such as the Catalogue of Diptera of the Afrotropical Region by Smith and Vockeroth, 1980, and the Manual of Palaearctic Diptera of Thompson and Rotheray, 1998, the three genera, however, were again summarized as subgenera in the genus Eristalinus. Therefore the scientific name Eristalinus ( Lathyrophthalmus ) aeneus currently used mostly for the Shining Faulschlammschwebfliege. However, molecular genetic work, larval studies and introduced in 1938 to the genus discrimination of Kanervo study of the male reproductive system of the flies could lead to a regrouping of the species complex. The task of the concept of the three subgenera brings but especially in the Shining Faulschlammschwebfliege no change in the genus and species name with it.

