Ernest Jones

Ernest Alfred Jones (born 1 January 1879 in Glamorgan, Wales, † February 11, 1958 in London) was a British psychoanalyst and author.


Jones grew up in a wealthy family and decided at an early stage for the medical profession. He studied at the Medical Faculty of the University of London. He learned the German language to study psychiatry at Kraepelin in Munich. From there he moved to Zurich to the Burgholzli, after 1907 CG Jung met with a neurologist Congress. In 1908, he met in Vienna for the first time with Sigmund Freud together, which developed a lifelong friendship. In the same year he accepted a post as director of the psychiatric hospital in Toronto. In 1910 he was co-founder of the American Psycho- Pathological Association, as well a year later at the American Psychoanalytic Association. In 1912, he proposed the creation of a small circle of Freud students, the later " Secret Committee ", which should preserve the teachings of Freud's long term.

After the end of World War II, he returned to Europe and settled in London, where he founded in 1919 the British Psychoanalytic Society. As President of the BPS he promoted initially Melanie Klein, who moved to England in 1926. Jones called 1920, the International Journal of Psychoanalysis into life to become internationally important psychoanalytic periodical. For whose editorship he also drew from 1920 to 1939 responsible.

Jones was twice president of the International Psychoanalytic Association (1920-1924 and 1932-1949 ). In the era of National Socialism Jones was involved in the negotiations with the regime, the further professional activities under the so-called Goering Institute secured the remaining non-Jewish analysts after Wilhelm Reich was expelled from the International Psychoanalytic Association and the Jewish members of the German psychoanalytic Association, that is, the vast majority of "voluntary" leaked. " In November 1935 Jones wrote to Anna Freud, all Jews have to resign from Berlin Society. Deplorable as it would be, I shoulderstand quietly say did I prefer psychoanalysis to be practiced by Gentiles in Germany than not at all and I hope you agree. ' To ' integration ' to facilitate the society, Jones, Brill, Boehm met and Müller- Braunschweig with Goering. " director of the Institute Matthias Heinrich Göring was a cousin of Hermann Goering.

Jones helped his teacher and friend Sigmund Freud, after the annexation of Austria in 1938 at the Greater German Reich in its emigration. Jones remained in close contact with Freud until his death in 1939.

In the years 1953-1957 Ernest Jones published a voluminous, three-volume biography of Freud, diee still is considered an important source of Freud biography. For his work, Jones was able to draw on, among other things hitherto unpublished private letters to his fiancée Martha Bernays Freud, who contributed to the correction of a partially - applied adhesive transfigured Freud image. Jones also took the biographical work done by Siegfried Bernfeld.

But Jones ' biography also contained numerous inaccuracies and was sharply criticized by later historians. So Eli Zaretsky wrote:

" Jones ' biography, Anna Freud, who, worthy daughter of an immortal man ' was dedicated, appeared from 1954. So powerful was Freud's image that some analysts the Jones imputed process of maturation in the last decades of his life resulted from the fact that he was absorbed in the material. Jones sought the scientific character of the analysis highlight, so Freud emphasized relative to Brückes materialism and played the other hand, Freud's participation in the philosophical lectures of Franz Brentano down. Still fought Jones with the aftermath of a charismatic upheaval, so he also wrote the experiences of men collar no great importance, ignoring all the connections that there had been between analysis and policy, beglich old scores with Rank and Ferenczi, and gave such an example for what Peter Homans those primal fear ' of psychoanalysis called - namely, that it could be misunderstood as a religion. "

Jones was a prolific writer and published 1900-1959 more than 200 essays. An important article of his deals with the psychoanalytic theory of symbols.

Ernest Jones had four children with his wife Katerina "Kitty", born Jokl ( 1892-1983 ). His son Mervyn became a journalist and writer. After his death, Ernest Jones was cremated at Golders Green Crematorium, the urn later on the small churchyard of Cheriton on the Gower Peninsula near Swansea in Wales.


  • The nightmare in its relation to certain forms of medieval superstition. Psychoanalytic Verlag, Leipzig 1912
  • Papers on Psycho-Analysis. Baillière, Tindall & Cox, London, 1913 ( revised and expanded several editions, most recently: 5th edition, Baillière among others, London, 1948; reprint this edition Karnac, London, 1977)
  • Treatment of the Neuroses. Baillière, Tindall & Cox, London 1920 ( German: . Treatment of neuroses International Pychoanalytischer Verlag, Leipzig 1921)
  • Essays in Applied Psycho-Analysis. 2 vols. International Psychoanalytic Press, London et al 1923 ( 2nd edition: Hogarth, London 1951 Reprint Hillstone, New York 1974)
  • Psycho-Analysis. Benn, London 1928 ( later editions under the title What is Psychoanalysis; German translation:? .. . What is Psychoanalysis An introduction to the teachings of Sigmund Freud Translated from English by Rotraut Schwoerer Introduced by A. Friedemann Goldmann, Munich 1967)
  • For psychoanalysis the Christian religion. International psychoanalytic Verlag, Leipzig, Vienna, 1928 (reprint, with an afterword by Helmut Dahmer, Suhrkamp, Frankfurt am Main 1970)
  • On the Nightmare. Hogarth Press and Institute of Psychoanalysis, London 1931 ( includes a revised translation of The nightmare of 1912 and two further articles)
  • Hamlet and Oedipus. Norton, New York, 1949 ( Chapter 7 has been translated: Hamlet's position in the mythology In: . Joachim Kaiser ( ed.): Hamlet, today the island, Frankfurt 1965, p 53-83. )
  • Sigmund Freud, Life and Work. Hogarth 3 vols, London 1954-1957 ( Later editions were published under the title The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud Complete German translation:. . The Life and Work of Sigmund Freud, 3 vols Übers v. Katherine Jones and Gertrude Meili - Doretzki. . Huber, Bern 1960-1962 Reprinting of this complete translation appeared in 1984 by dtv, Munich, ISBN 3-423-04426-8, the title was changed here, in Sigmund Freud 's life and work -. . includes Jones ' biography of Freud in the original English just over 1500 pages. was published in 1961 in Hogarth, London, one of Lionel Trilling and Steven Marcus to about half abridged version under the title The life and work of Sigmund Freud, with an introduction by Lionel Trilling. , the translation of these abridged version published in 1969 under the title of Sigmund Freud. 's life and work by S. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main. )
  • Sigmund Freud: Four Centenary Addresses. Basic Books, New York 1956
  • Free Associations: Memories of a Psycho - Analyst. Hogarth, London 1959
  • The theory of symbolism and other essays. With a foreword by Peter Krumme. Ullsteinhaus, Frankfurt am Main, Berlin, Vienna, 1978, ISBN 3-548-03480-2

A bibliography of all publications can be found in the theory of symbolism and other essays, pp. 393-407.


  • Sigmund Freud, Ernest Jones: Correspondence 1908-1939. English-language edition of the Harvard University Press with an additional volume containing the German -language letter Freud's texts in the original language. Fischer, Frankfurt am Main 1993.