Ernesto Melo Antunes

Ernesto Augusto de Melo Antunes ( born October 2, 1933, Lagoa, Portugal, † 10 August 1999), was a Portuguese officer who played an important role in the Carnation Revolution of 25 April 1974.

Antunes was co-author of the political program of the military movement Movimento the forcas Armadas (MFA ), overthrew the ruling regime. After the coup, he was coordinator of the Revolutionary Committee and Minister of Foreign Trade Relations of the provisional governments.

Melo Antunes was the main negotiator in talks with the Independence of Guinea- Bissau and later became a member of the State Council. He was also author of the document of the Nine (which were the other signatory: Vasco Lourenço, Pezarat Correia, Manuel Franco Charais, Canto e Castro, Costa Neves, Sousa e Castro, Vítor Alves, Vítor Crespo ), which during the Revolution, the moderate forces should be supported and criticized the left as the Communists.

