Ernst Wilhelm Eschmann

Ernst Wilhelm Eschmann ( pseudonyms: Leopold Dingräve, Severus, Habrich, fur man) ( born August 16, 1904 in Berlin, † 22 February 1987 in Munich) was a German writer, sociologist and philosopher.

Life and work

Eschmann first completed a study of law, economics, philosophy and history at the University of Heidelberg and got there as an assistant at the sociologist Alfred Weber. As his pupil doctorate Eschmann 1928 with a thesis on the fascist state in Italy.

1929, Eschmann, to work for, headed by Hans Zehrer political monthly journal Die Tat. Thus he became a member of the so-called fact - circle, a circle of young journalists, the next Eschmann and Zehrer also Gislher Wirsing, Ferdinand Fried and Friedrich Wilhelm heard by Oertzen, which exhibited a considerable political influence in the early 1930s and in particular the powerful defense minister Kurt Schleicher served as an inspiration.

About the failure of the Tat circuit he judged later: "We had no right principles. We kept everything possible. The idea of natural law, the inalienable rights of the people was foreign to us. We hung ideologically entirely in the air without a sound basis for our constructions to possess. "

In September 1933 Zehrer was forced to resign as head of the magazine. Beginning in 1939, the magazine with the new title was The XX. Century of Savoy and Eschmann published ( in 1938 they were renamed as already eds. The previously Savoy alone " act" ), with Eschmann cared mainly about the cultural part. From 1933 to 1943 Eschmann sociology lecturer and professor of sociology at the University of Berlin. NSDAP member was Eschmann on 1 April 1940 with the number 7617245, after his application for admission was 1937 not met for formal reasons, although Savoy, now editor of the NS - sheet Munich Latest News, had used in Reinhard Heydrich for him.

During the Second World War Eschmann was Director of the Department of the German Foreign France Scientific Institute. Here interpreters, administrative officials and Nazi officials were trained, ie the future with other countries involved elites. In the vintages 1941 - 1944 issued by the SS officer Franz Six Yearbook of Political and Cultural Studies Eschmann was responsible for the France section. In Paris he had contact with the collaborator Marcel Jouhandeau. Eschmann was head of the Paris branch of the German Institute in Marseille.

From 1945 Eschmann was initially a freelance writer. In 1960 he was appointed professor of philosophy, sociology and intellectual history at the Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität in Münster. In 1969, he went into retirement.


  • The fascist state in Italy, Wroclaw: Ferd. Hirt, 1930, 144 p. ( = Everyone's library; Department of Law and Political Science [ Hlw, 3:50 RM. ]); ibid. ² 1933 [ Hlw. , 2.85 RM]
  • Greek diary, 1936
  • Imaginary Letters, 1938
  • The fir, 1953
  • The art of Gandhara private printing firm Karl Thomae. Biberach A.D. Crack 1975 ( p. 80 )