

The Ernst Bach rises 500 meters northeast of Hof portfolios in the Rheingau hinterland forest on the territory of the city Eltville near the former Rheingau Gebücks. A few meters below the source he crosses the Gebücklinie and flows through on its way to the west, the area of the yard folders that no longer belongs to the Rheingau. He then enters the Rheingau hinterland forest, it does not leave to the mouth. He describes, in deviation from its general west direction, a wide arc to the north by the Ziemer head. Then he takes as the main flow of the Wicker Sheller bridge from left to apples Bach on.

Geographical Location

The valley system of Ernst Bach occupies the central part of the hinterland forest. With the exception of the agricultural land of the farm Solution (approximately 50 hectares) is forested the entire catchment area of the seriousness of Bach and uninhabited. There are no paved roads here. Thus, the Ernstbachtal and the difference be -border hinterland forest one of the largest, cut up not by such paths ecological sanctuaries of wildlife in Hesse. Since there are in the whole valley no actual tourist destinations, and it is far from the surrounding tourist infrastructure, it is, apart from those involved in forestry and hunting people, absolutely deserted. This is again, very close to the metropolitan area Rhein- Main, an attraction in itself.

The valley is served by the Wisperstraße from between the Lauksburg and the chamber castle on the Hermann walkway through a forest that finds the hinterland forest road that runs along the ridge line between the Ernstbachtal and the Gladbachtal and Hausen performs prior to the height at the farm Solution connection.

Although the rainfall is in Ernstbachtal rather low, averaging less than 800 mm per year, and the brook leads correspondingly little water, began here in 1977 plans to build a water dam to ensure the supply of the Rhine -Main area. The plans were abandoned, however, not least because in the following years, the forecasts have been corrected for water consumption down.
