
Erwig (Latin: Ervigius; † 687 ) was from 15 October 680 to 15 November 687 king of the Visigoths.

Origin and accession

Erwigs Ardabastus father had come out of the Eastern Roman Empire as an exile into the Visigothic kingdom. The name Ardabastus ( Artavasdes ) indicates Armenian origin (Armenian Artawazd ). The Visigoths Chindaswinth ( 642-653 ) gave the refugee his consubrina ( cousin or - more likely - niece ) to wife. Thus Erwig came from the mother of a royal family.

Erwig grew up on the farm and received the dignity of an earl. After the presentation of the Asturian Chronicles 9-10. Century, he was instrumental in the overthrow of King Wamba in October 680 involved. The details are controversial, but that Wamba was ousted by a threaded- of Erwig court intrigue, can hardly be doubted. The Chronicle of Alfonso III. reported that the king Erwig the neurotoxin sparteine ​​mixed into a drink and thus temporarily stunned him. Anyway Wamba received the sacrament of penance as a supposedly terminally ill and was after was the custom wearing a religious habit and received the tonsure by the clergy. He was incapable of governing. He thanked October 14 from 680, signed a document by which he determined Erwig successor, and retired to a monastery, where he died later than 683. On October 15, Erwig stepped up to the government; a royal election did not take place, but the legal basis was the designation by the predecessor. On October 21, Erwig received the royal anointing of the Metropolitan Julian of Toledo. In the recent research, it is assumed that Julian has welcomed the coup and even actively supported.

Church policy and legislation

After taking power, Erwig convened soon (January 681 ) a Council of Lords one, the 12th Council of Toledo, which a rubber stamp the unusual change of government. In addition, the council strengthened the position of the Metropolitan of Toledo against the other metropolitans and made ​​him the de facto " universal metropolitans " of the imperial church, causing an unusual for that time centralization of church organization.

683 met the 13th Council of Toledo, whose decisions show the king in a much weakened position. The council acts are evidence of the strong influence of a powerful opposition aristocratic party, which wanted to limit the power of the king. The Council Fathers called for the blanket amnesty of conspirators and rebels and the return of their confiscated estates to their families. The king put the relevant Council decision, however, to only partially. Constitutionally most significant was a decision which forbade to depose bishops or members of the court nobility to arrest, torture or expropriate, as long as they were not convicted in a public court proceedings by a court of their peers. The use of physical force against Posh to extract confessions was therefore prohibited. Among the nobility friendly decisions also included a remission of tax liabilities.

On 21 October 681 put Erwig a new version of the Visigothic Code in force. It regulated inter alia, the obligation for military service, the violation of which was further punished with high fines. The rules indicate that the Visigoth army at that time was to a large extent from slaves. The slave owners were obliged to arm one-tenth of their slaves and to take on the campaigns. The king had no direct access to a large part of the able-bodied, but could only induce the powerful nobles, to contribute with their retinues ( private armies ) participate in its military actions.

An important part of the new legal provisions were Erwigs comprehensive measures against the Jews, with whom he continued the already existing anti-Jewish legislation. Baptized Jews ( including the under King Sisebut forcibly baptized and their descendants) were subjected to strict control in order to prevent a return to the Jewish faith; supervision and criminal authority over them was transferred to the clergy.

Succession plan

Erwig was married to Leuvigoto ( Liuvigoto ), a woman of unknown origin; for the claim that she was a king's daughter, there is no evidence. The couple had several children. We know the names of these is the only daughter Cixilo that Erwig with a nobleman named Egica, a relative (probably nephew ) Wambas married. Because of a deadly disease designated Erwig on 14 November 687 Egica his successor and resigned the following day, whereupon Egica came to the throne immediately. Egica was disposed towards his predecessor hostile; Erwig whether voluntarily or under pressure to his son and successor, made ​​him (though he himself had sons who survived him ), is unknown. Presumably, he was forced to make the powerful clan of his predecessor weighty concessions.
