
The Erythrasma (also Baerensprungsche disease) is a harmless skin disorder that is caused by bacteria of the type Corynebacterium minutissimum.

Predisposing factors are strong perspiration or local hyperhidrosis, obesity, diabetes mellitus, or immunosuppression ( eg in the context of HIV).

Preferred locations are primarily in intertriginous areas such as the armpits, groin and other large skin folds ( inguinal, axillary, perianal, submammär ) since it increases come here to sweat and disturbance of the acid balance of the skin.

It translates into a large, well- demarcated erythema of the skin that is scaly later. Normally there is no itching.

It is diagnosed the Erythrasma from the clinical picture or by using the UV light from a Wood's lamp, and it lights up coral Porphyrinproduktion by the pathogen.

The therapy consists of Erythrasmas in strict hygiene, use of acid soaps to stabilize the skin environment and the local application of fusidic acid or imidazole -containing ointments. In severe cases also the systemic use of erythromycin is possible. In general, the affected skin areas should be kept dry ( thorough draining areas, for larger skin folds can be inserted and Mullkompressen be helpful ).

Differential diagnosis includes candidal intertrigo or think psoriasis inversa.
