Eryx (genus)

Western sand boa ( Eryx jaculus )

The Real Sand Boas ( Eryx ) are a genus of the family of Boaz counting sand boas. The genus includes eight species, which are found mainly in Africa, the Middle East and Asia to India. The Western boa is the only snake that can be found even in large areas of Europe, the area of the Eastern Europe boa touched only on the northern edge of the Caspian Sea.

The genus name comes from the Latin name of Eryx Sicily Erice Mountain. The mythological Eryx, son of Aphrodite, after the mountain was named, was slain by Heracles when wrestling.


In the genuine sand boas are small to medium sized snakes that reach body lengths of 40 cm to about 100 cm. The smallest species is the Afghan sand boa ( Eryx elegans), the longest the Indian sand boa ( Eryx johnii ). The habit of snakes is largely penetrated with a short tail, the head is not separated from the body.

It is characterized by a very large nose plate, which extends well to the top of the head and from the broadened apex shield ( Scutum parietal ) has formed. The top of the head is covered with many small, smooth scales. The eyes are small elliptical pupil and may be due to species-specific top of the head or on the sides. The front teeth of the maxilla and mandible are also extended. The skin structure has a sandfish effect.


Within the Real Sand Boas twelve types can be distinguished:

  • Egyptian sand boa ( Eryx colubrinus )
  • Eryx conicus
  • Afghan sand boa ( Eryx elegans)
  • Western sand boa ( Eryx jaculus )
  • Arab sand boa ( Eryx jayakiri )
  • Indian sand boa ( Eryx johnii )
  • Eastern sand boa or desert sand boa ( Eryx miliaris )
  • Eryx muelleri
  • Somali sand boa ( Eryx somalicus )
  • Large sand boa ( Eryx tataricus )
  • Withakers sand boa ( Eryx whitakeri )

Eryx colubrinus, Eryx conicus, Eryx muelleri, Eryx somalicus and Eryx whitakeri are used by some authors because of the formation of a wing strut means ridge, which is narrow and separated in the row of teeth temporarily and the other Eryx species wide and of the tooth row with them, classified in a separate genus Gongylophis. This genus is, however, not universally accepted.

Way of life

Sand Boas are found in arid and semi-arid areas. They are mainly ambush predator that can dig in the sand and waiting for prey, with only the eyes and nostrils look out. The prey is strangled in the sand boa wrapped around it or presses it against hard objects. Chicks and similar non -fortified prey is devoured alive also. However, the sand boas hunt especially mammals, lizards and sometimes rarely birds.

Sand Boas are ei - viviparous ( ovoviviparous ). In captivity, litter sizes were observed 4-17 pups that, depending on the type, are 120-290 mm ​​long.

Some sand boas have strong poison in the saliva but only in very small amounts.
