Eschbach (Wupper)


The Eschbach is a left-side stream of the Wupper in Remscheid. It flows through the Eschbachtal and is jammed in the Eschbachtalsperre.


The Eschbach rises in the city of Remscheid in Bergisch Born, forms of the Eschbachtalsperre until shortly before Solingen- Burg, the city boundary to the south Wermelskirchen and ends in Solingen- Burg in the Wupper.


The Eschbach in the south of Remscheid is from its source to its confluence with the River Wupper only about 12 km long. With its abundance of water and altitude difference of 240 m, it was in the 16th and 17th centuries to the most frequented by water turbines streams of Remscheid. From the Mebusmühle to the confluence of the Lobaches were at a distance of 6 km until the beginning of the 20th century 13 hammer mills and grinding cotta. Few of these " industrial sites " continue to operate today. Get yourself have numerous half or Totalwüstungen, still tell a story of the iron industry of Remscheid. The relics preserved in the landscape as well as information on the respective technical developments of the hammer mill or Schleifkottens.
