Esophageal motility study

As esophageal motility or esophageal manometry to determine the pressure ( manometry ) in the gullet (esophagus ) is called via a catheter.

It serves the diagnosis of motility disorders in Ösophaguserkrankungen as achalasia, diffuse esophageal spasm which, the nutcracker or a Ösophagusmitbeteiligung in the context of collagen and diabetic polyneuropathy.


When esophageal manometry, a thin probe is advanced through the nose into the stomach. The probe has several pressure measuring points at the end. If the probe in the stomach, or as deep as possible into the gullet (esophagus ), the probe is slowly and inched back through the esophagus. In each case a sip of liquid is administered to swallow. The pressure is released by the act of swallowing in the esophagus, is transferred to the point of pressure measurement, and is measured. The pressure changes are stored by a device (PC ) and displayed as a computer graphic. The results are necessary for the planning of a possible achalasia therapy or surgery in a reflux esophagitis. They show how the whole esophagus works - so their pumping muscle action ( peristalsis). The test takes about 30 minutes and is not painful usually.
