Essentialia negotii

Essentialia negotii (Latin ) is a legal term for the necessary minimum content that a contract of a certain type must have and on which the Contracting Parties have to agree to make this contract can ever be closed. This is the Performance, compensation and the Parties.

Thus, the parties must reach a purchase agreement at least on the item purchased and the price, some of the lease for the leased property and the amount of rent or in the ( money ) loans over the amount of money. Is possible, however, that a specific provision - for example, as to the exact amount of the purchase price, rent or interest - later done based on previously agreed criteria.

In contrast to the essentialia negotii are accidentalia negotii ancillary contractual matters that may be specified in the contract, but are not mandatory.


  • Latin in the right
  • Contract Law
  • Law of Obligations ( Germany )
  • Latin phrase
  • Legal language
  • Contract design