Esterina Tartman

Esterina Tartman (Hebrew אסתרינה טרטמן; born November 9, 1957 in Israel) is an Israeli politician, the Zionist- nationalist party Jisra'el Beiteinu, which is mainly known for their racist sayings against Arab Israelis. Avigdor Lieberman, whose closest ally it is, Tartmann wanted end of February 2007 appointed the new Minister of Tourism, but press reports of false information Tartmans to allegedly have obtained their university degrees made ​​for a multi-day scandal, so Tartmann had given up their ambitions for the post.

Life and achievements

Esterina Tartman comes from a respected oriental family, Shabtai family who has lived in Israel for several generations. On 8 February 2006, she began her political career as a Knesset member for Jisra'el Beiteinu, when she was allowed to move up to the Parliament for a deceased member of the party. She made headlines later mainly by their fanatical racist speeches for much controversy - ensured - even within their own party. So she called, for example, the appointment of the first Muslim Arab, Ghalib Mudschadala, minister a " death blow to Zionism " and worried about the destruction of the " character of Israel as a Jewish state."

For protests also caused the launched of their initiative, Arab Israelis withdraw the citizenship, if they do not confess to loyal behavior towards the Jewish state.

Avigdor Lieberman proclaimed his party colleague end of February 2007 to the new tourism minister, since it according to the coalition agreement condition, a second minister. Shortly after Tartmans appointment was announced that her resume includes some inconsistencies. In addition to the unlawful usurpation of an academic degree they should have inflicted a traffic accident and then tried to commit a hit and run. More reports of medically and judicially confirmed partial incapacity to work for another car accident hit in the Israeli public also high waves and eventually led to the resignation Tartmanns.
