Estradas de Portugal

In November 2007, EP Estrada de Portugal SA society as a result of the EP - Estrada de Portugal, EPE founded, which had been the agency for road management in Portugal since 2005. EP Estrada de Portugal SA is a company that is 100 % owned by the Portuguese State, has a 75 - year concession for the development, planning and maintenance of the road network of Portugal, with the exception of most provincial highways that by Brisa SA be operated.

EP is the successor of the Junta Autónoma the Estrada (AWU), which existed from 1927 to 1999 as authority until it was replaced by three agencies: the Instituto Estrada de Portugal ( IEP), Instituto para a Construção Rodoviária ( ICOR ), and Instituto para a exploração of Conservation e da Rede Rodoviária ( ICERR ). In 2002 they were reorganized, new to the IEP as authority. In 2004, the IEP was converted into a public company and in EP - renamed Estrada de Portugal, where 100 % of the shares owned by the state remained.

Since the beginning of 2014 there are plans by the Portuguese government to merge the company with the also state rail operators speech Ferroviária Nacional. This is intended on the one hand provide operating cost savings of more than 15 million euros. On the other hand, the funsionierte, larger companies to obtain loans with lower interest rates in order to finance future infrastructure projects can.

From EP -operated highways

In Portugal EP operates the following motorways under concession:

  • Autoestrada A20 Auto- Estrada CRIP Circular Regional Interior do Porto
  • Autoestrada A26 Auto- Estrada do Baixo Alentejo
  • Autoestrada A30 Auto- Estrada Sacavém / Santa Iria de Azóia
  • Autoestrada A31
  • Autoestrada A32 Auto- Estrada da Chapelaria
  • Autoestrada A35
  • Autoestrada A36 CRIL - Circular Regional Interior de Lisboa
  • Autoestrada A38
  • Autoestrada A39
  • Autoestrada A44