Etch (protocol)

Etch is an open source, platform- independent framework to build network services, which has been announced by Cisco Systems for the first time in May 2008. Etch includes a service description language, a compiler and a number of voice connections (English language bindings ). It is intended to allow SOAP and CORBA to support as Methods of communication between network-enabled software components, especially when it is important to ensure portability ( platform independence ), transport - independent, small size and high performance. Etch is designed so that it can be integrated into existing applications and systems simply where it allows a natural and easy transition to a service-oriented architecture. It was originally arose from work on the Cisco Unified Environment, a product that was Cisco fallen as part of Metreos takeover.


The initial implementation is Java and C # support. In a second wave of support for Ruby, Python, Javascript, and C to follow.

Released as open source and licensing

In July 2008, Etch was released under the Apache 2.0 license.

As part of the process for conversion into an open- source project Etch was handed over to the Apache Incubator, there to be accepted as a new project. This was proposed to the vote (english formal vote) and finally adopted on 25 August 2008. Etch is therefore now an Apache project and according to the state in September 2008 ( and as of January 2012) in the initial phase in the Apache Incubator.
