Etelhem Church

The Church of Etelhem (Swedish Etelhems kyrka ) is a country church on the Swedish island of Gotland. She is one of the parish churches of the parish ( swedish församling ) Guard and belongs to the diocese of Visby.

The oldest part of the present church is the strong tower from the early 13th century. Choir and nave were built in 1300 in the Gothic style and replaced the corresponding figures in the Romanesque style. The sacristy was added in the 17th century. On the inner walls of the east, south and west frescoes have been preserved from the 14th century, while leaving a Passion frieze on the north side of the master passion in the nave. In addition, the medieval stained glass are available in some windows.


The baptismal font, which describes the sufferings of Christ and Samson, dates back to the Roman church and the stone master Hegvald attributed. The cross triumph of the 14th century hangs in its original place in the Arc de Triomphe. The altarpiece of sandstone was produced in 1690 in Burgsvik and the pulpit from 1648, probably in Visby.

The name was first mentioned as Etelhem Eytelem in a copy of the 14th century. The first part contains the Gotland dialect word ajtel and refers to either the present in the environment of Etelhem limestone or is a nickname for residents of the area. The second part of the word means yard or living space.
