Eternal Peace Treaty of 1686

The Eternal Peace was a closed in Moscow between Poland - Lithuania and the tsarist Russia on May 6, 1686 peace treaty. The Rzeczpospolita was represented by the Poznań voivode, Krzysztof Grzymułtowski, the Russian side by Knyaz Vasili Golitsyn.

The Eternal Peace ended in international law the Russo- Polish War 1654-1667 and confirmed the conclusions of the ceasefire agreements Andrussowo. The contract contained a preamble and 33 articles. He assured the Russian side in the Andrussowo assigned by the Polish crown areas and finally decided on the Polish- Russian border until 1772.

Both sides committed themselves no separate peace with the Ottoman Empire to take. By signing the contract, the Tsarist Russia entered a directed against the Ottoman Empire in coalition, the Holy League and opened in the east front against the Ottoman vassal, the Crimean Tatars ( Russian - Ottoman War 1686-1700 ).
