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Eu.bac - European Building Automation and Controls Association - is the European industry platform, the manufacturer and supplier of home automation, building automation and energy services for buildings. With 25 companies, representing approximately 80 % of the European market, is eu.bac the voice of the European industry. eu.bac was founded in 2003 and is available to all firms which are active in this area open. eu.bac is not an association of associations. eu.bac has offices in Brussels, London, Paris and Frankfurt.

The activities of the member firms are focused on products and systems in the field of home and building automation for use in both residential as well as commercial buildings in their use. Besides automatic, power efficient control devices the core business of building automation is in the ICT - information and communication technology for building control, can be reduced by means of which monitoring, control and automation, energy consumption. Energy efficiency - in addition to the comfort for the user - the application goal of building automation.

Eu.ESCO is a sub-grouping of eu.bac, which deals with the issue of energy services and energy performance contracting. eu.ESCO is active under its own logo and with its own identity to stand out from the core region of eu.bac, which is more settled in the area of hardware and software building automation systems.

Chairman of eu.bac is Jean -Yves Blanc (Schneider Electric). Vice-presidents are Ernst Malcherek ( Honeywell) and Dr. Gerhard Glinzerer (heart valves ).

Eu.bac, the European certification system eu.bac Certification for high-quality, energy-saving products in the areas of home and building automation (eg electronic heating thermostats, room thermostats, weather-compensated heating controller (OTC), Electronic single room controller ( IZC ), ...) worked out. In France, this label is required by the Réglementation Thermique since the RT 2005. The supplied CA - value for the control precision is needed in establishing the building energy demand.

In addition eu.bac assigns the label for energy -efficient products for the home and building automation. This voluntary energy efficiency labeling complements the European certification program.

For building automation systems BACS eu.bac has since the beginning of 2013 to the eu.bac system audit for energy-efficient and sustainable operation of building automation systems. The central task of a building automation system is the control and automation of heating, cooling and air conditioning applications, including lighting and shading. Well-designed and well-maintained systems not only achieve the desired level of comfort but at the same time optimizing the energy consumption. The achievable potential energy savings through building automation and life cycle aspects etc. are not included comprehensive enough in today's building certifications such as LEED, DGNB. With the new audit methodology eu.bac closes this gap. The method is based on existing standards ( EN15232, DINV 18599 ) and has been scientifically tested by the Technical University of Dresden. With the system audits save developers, investors and property owners energy and operating costs over the entire life cycle and ensure efficient and sustainable operation.

Building automation and control systems and equipment are standardized 205 WG 3 ( European & international standardization groups) in the CEN and ISO groups CEN TC 247 and TC ISo.
