Eudald Carbonell

Eudald Carbonell i Roura ( born February 17, 1953 in Ribes de Freser, Girona Province ) is a Spanish paleontologist.


He received his education in Girona, Barcelona and Paris. In 1986 he was a PhD at the University Pierre et Marie Curie in Paris and in History at the University of Barcelona in the area of ​​archeology of the Quaternary.

Currently ( 2012) he is Professor and Head of the Research Group Human Population ecology of the Quaternary at the University Rovira i Virgili in Tarragona. He is director of the Catalan Institute of Human Paleoecology and Social Evolution, IPHES.

Together with José María Bermúdez de Castro and Juan Luis Arsuaga he directs the excavations of the Fund complex Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain). The research-based archaeologists there the Prince of Asturias Award received 1997 in the field of scientific and technical research.

He found the Homo antecessor and well -preserved remains of Homo heidelbergensis.

Eudald Carbonell has been awarded the contracts awarded by the Catalan Government National Award 2008 in the category of philosophy and science culture.


The publications are, unless otherwise noted, are in Catalan.

  • Carbonell, E. (2008). La que consciencia crema. Barcelona, ​​Ara Llibres.
  • Carbonell, E. ( 2007). El naixement d' una nova consciencia. Barcelona, ​​Ara Llibres.
  • Bermúdez de Castro, J. M. i Carbonell, E. ( 2004) Atapuerca. Perduts al Turo. Barcelona, ​​Columna.
  • Carbonell, E. i Bellmunt. C. (2003) Els Somnis de l' Evolució. National Geographic. RBA.
  • Carbonell, E. Sala i, R ( 2001) Encara no som humans. Barcelona: Editorial Empúries. German translation (2010 ), we are not human yet. Plea for a more human third millennium. Raeren: Pabst & Pesch.
  • Carbonell, E. Sala i, R ( 2000) Planeta Huma. Barcelona, ​​Empúries.
  • Corbella, J.; Carbonell, E.; Moyà, p i Sala, R. ( 2000) Sapiens. Un llarg camí cap a la intel · ligència. Barcelona, ​​Edicions 62
  • Llompart, J.; Wagensberg, J.; Salvador, E. i Carbonell, E. ( 2000) Seres i Estrellas. Barcelona, ​​Plaza Janés. (Spanish)
  • Carbonell, E. i Mosquera, M. ( 2000) Las claves del Pasado. La Llave del Futuro. Tarragona, Arola. (Spanish)
  • Carbonell, E., X. P. Rodriguez, i cols. (2000) Homínidos i comportamiento complejo. Mundo Científico 208 ( gener 2000). (Spanish)
  • Carbonell, E. i cols. (1999) L' Homo antecessor i el seu medi natural. Com i ng com vivien els europeus més antics. Ciència i Cultura del al llindar sail XXI, Institut d' Estudis Catalans.
  • Cervera, J., Arsuaga, JL, Bermúdez de Castro, JM & Carbonell, E. ( 1998) Atapuerca. Un Millón de años de historia. Madrid, Plot ( Spanish)


  • Carbonell, E., M. Mosquera, A. Ollé, XP Rodríguez Álvarez, M. Sahnouni, R. Sala, and JM Vergès. , 2001. Morphotechnique Structure de l'industrie du lithique Pleistocene inférieur et moyen d' Atapuerca (Burgos, Espagne ). L' Anthropology 105:259-280 (French)
  • Aguirre, E. and E. Carbonell ( 2001). "Early human expansions on Eurasia: The Atapuerca evidence. " Quaternary International 75: 11-8. ( English )
  • Bermúdez de Castro, JM, Carbonell, E & Arsuaga, JL (ed) (1999). Gran Dolina site: TD6 Aurora Stratum (Burgos, Spain ). J. of Human Evolution, 37: 309-700 ( English )
  • Arsuaga, JL, Lorenzo, C., Carretero, JM, Gracia, A., Martínez, I. García, N., Bermúdez de Castro, JM & Carbonell, E. ( 1999). A complete human pelvis from the Middle Pleistocene of Spain. Nature 399, 255-258. ( English )
  • Carbonell, E., M. Mosquera, i cols. (1999). "Out of Africa: The Dispersal of the Earliest Technical Systems Reconsidered. " J. of Anthropol. Archaeol. 18: 119-136. ( English )
  • Carbonell, E. & Vaquero, M. ( 1998). Behavioral Complexity and Biocultural Change in Europe Around Forty Thousand Years Ago. J. of Anthropol. Res 54, 373-397. ( English )
  • Bermúdez de Castro, JM, Arsuaga, JL, Carbonell, E., Rosas, A., Martínez, I. & Mosquera, M. ( 1997). A Hominid from the Lower Pleistocene of Atapuerca, Spain: Possible Ancestor to Neandertals and Modern Humans. Science 276, 1392-5. ( English )
  • Carbonell, E. & Vaquero, M., eds. (1996). The Last Neandertals - The First Anatomically Modern Humans. Cultural Change and Human Evolution: The Crisis at 40 ka BP: Ed. Universitat Rovira i Virgili. Tarragona. ( English )
  • Carbonell, E., Bermúdez de Castro, JM, Arsuaga, JL, Díez, JC, Rosas, A., Cuenca - Besco, G., Sala, R., Mosquera, M. & Rodriguez, XP (1995). Lower Pleistocene Hominids and Artifacts from Atapuerca - TD6 (Spain). Science 269, 826-832. ( English )
  • Castro- Curel, Z. & Carbonell, E. ( 1995). Wood pseudomorph From Level I at Abric Romani, Barcelona, Spain. J. of field archaeol. 22, 376-84. ( English )
  • Carbonell, E., Giralt, S. & Vaquero, M. ( 1994). Abric Romani ( Capellades, Barcelone, Espagne ): Une importante séquence anthropisée you Supérieur Pleistocene. Bull de la Soc. Prehist. Franç. 91, 47-55. (French)
  • Carbonell, E. & Rodriguez, X.P. (1994). Early Middle Pleistocene deposits and artefacts in the Gran Dolina site ( TD4 ) of the Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos, Spain ). J. of Human Evol. 26, 291-311. ( English )