Eugène Cremmer

Eugène Cremmer ( born February 7, 1942 in Paris ) is a French theoretical and mathematical physicist.

Cremmer studied 1962-1966 at the Ecole Normale Superieure and made in 1967 at the University of Paris-Sud ( Orsay, Laboratory for High Energy Physics ) his diploma. In 1970 he completed his doctorate there in Michel Gourdin. From 1966 he was a researcher at the CNRS ( to 1974 located in Orsay ), from 1979 as Maitre de Recherche and from 1989 as director of research. 1971/2 he was in the Theory Division at CERN. From 1974 he has been at the Laboratory of Theoretical Physics at the Ecole Normale Superieure from 2002 to 2005 as a director.

With Bernard Julia and Joel Scherk 1978 he constructed the supergravity in 11 dimensions. Shortly afterwards he constructed with Julia N = 8 supergravity and examined the Higgs mechanism in the supergravity. After that, he was still active in string theory and supergravity. His interests include, among other non-critical string theories and quantum groups in the Liouvilletheorie the two-dimensional quantum gravity.

In 1983, he received the Silver Medal of the CNRS in 1981 and the Prix Thibault.
