Euler (programming language)

Euler was developed by Niklaus Wirth and Helmut Weber programming language, designed as an extension and generalization of ALGOL 60 It was published in 1966. Objectives of the development of this new programming language were:

  • Simpler and yet more flexible than ALGOL 60
  • Useful programming language that ran at a reasonable rate
  • Precise formal definability


One of the big differences to ALGOL is the extended type concept. Lists ( arrays), procedures, and branches are not defined in ALGOL at the level of variables but at the level of constants. This means lists, branches and even procedures could be assigned to variables. In addition to the traditional numerical and logical constants following types could be used in Euler.

  • Credentials
  • Labels
  • Symbols
  • Lists ( arrays)
  • Procedures
  • Undefined

All types of constants can be assigned to variables. Variables have the same form as in ALGOL except that the variable type is not specified. Euler is a dynamically typed programming language. A procedure can be as a result of the execution to return a value of any type. This type can also switch at each call of the procedure. Similarly, the elements of a list (array) can be of any type. Example: A list of elements of type " label " creates a branch. A list of procedures creates a Algol 60 in unavailable procedure list (quasi a jump -list ). A list of elements of type list allows the formation of a general tree structure. Euler provides general operators are available for the control and conversion of types. In addition, Euler had automatic garbage collection, for their programming together with the programming of a large part of the interpreter on the Burroughs B5500 computer WM McKeeman was owed.
