
Euneos (Greek Εὔνηος ) In Greek mythology, the son of Jason and Hypsipyle, queen of Lemnos. His twin brother is Deipylos.

They were separated from their mother, who was banished from Lemnos, because they had spared her father Thoas. Together with his brother he found his mother again in Nemea and won the stadium race in the Nemean games.

Euneos later became king of Lemnos. According to Homer, he paid the Greek fleet on its way to Troy with supplies and food. He also gave as the purchase price of the Trojan priest Lykaon Patroclus a Phoenician silver pitcher as payment.

In Athens there was a musicians ' guild called Euneidai ( Εὐνεῖδαι ), which relied on Euneos as their progenitor.


  • Hyginus Fabulae Mythographus 15; 274
  • Publius Statius Thebaid 6.464 ff Papinius
  • Euripides Hypsipyle ( fragmentary )
  • Homer Iliad 7.465 ff; 23.746-747
  • Hesychius of Alexandria S.V. Εὐνεῖδαι
  • Person of Greek mythology