Euophrys omnisuperstes

Euophrys omnisuperstes is a spider from the family of jumping spiders ( Salticidae ). E. omnisuperstes is a black, hairy jumping spider, which is found in the high altitudes of the Himalayas.

E. omnisuperstes was already 1924 by R.W.G. Hingston at the third British expedition to Mount Everest observed up to a height of 6700 meters. However, the collected copies of it long remained unnoticed in the British Museum. In 1954 it was discovered that they feed on flies and springtails ( Collembola ), which are found up to an altitude of 6000 meters. The first systematic description of the 1975 comes from FR Wanless, curator at the British Museum, who also introduced the scientific name.
