Euphorbia esula

Ass spurge ( Euphorbia esula )

The donkey spurge or Sharp spurge ( Euphorbia esula ) is a flowering plant in the genus Euphorbia (Euphorbia ).


Euphorbia esula is a perennial herbaceous plant that reaches the plant height of 30 to 80 cm. She is a Hemikryptophyt and spreads via root sprouts. The roots go deep. The stems are erect or ascending.

The alternate, narrowly lance-shaped leaves are broadest above the middle, and are usually narrowed towards the base. The width is 3-5 (rare 8) mm, the length 30 to 60 mm. Stipules absent always.

The Endscheindolde is vielstrahlig. The bracts are free and not fused, their color is green or yellowish. The nectar glands are crescent- shaped or two-horned. Bloom time is June to August. Pollination is by (Diptera ).

The capsule fruit is finely punctured and rough. The seeds are smooth.

Like all euphorbias, it has a poisonous milky sap, popularly called " witches milk ". In addition to the family widespread Ingenolestern it also has Jatrophan derivatives of the type of Esulon A.


The donkey spurge is native to Eurasia. She is a submeridionales to boreal, continental Florenelement. In Central Europe it is scattered in front, in the Alps it is missing. In eastern Austria it is often, otherwise scattered to rare. In South Tyrol, it increases sharply in Liechtenstein missing. In Switzerland, it is known only from a small area in Graubünden. In Denmark it is a neophyte.

In North America, it was introduced in the 19th century and is classified as an invasive species in some areas.

It grows in meadows, pastures, in fields, in thickets, on banks, and waste places. She prefers fresh to moderately dry, nutrient-rich, more or less calcareous soils. It rises to the montane altitudinal zone.

