
Euphoria ( gr ευφορία, lat euphoria, euforia ) refers to a subjective state of mind of general temporary exuberant high spirits, also known as exhilaration, with an upscale lifestyle greatest well-being, with increased vitality and reduced inhibitions.

Etymologically derived from the Greek " euphoria" to German " fertility " or "productivity". Derived from " euphoros " ( "healthy" ), which consists of "eu" ( "good") and " pherein " ("[ he ] take [d ]") composed.

In common parlance, euphoria is often used in the sense of passion or enthusiasm. The term euphoria describes a temporary feeling of increased well -being, but which is often referred to, in contrast to hypomanic mood as a state of well-being and the superficial gaiety.

Physicians also describe subjective well-being seriously ill than euphoria. Mainly, this form of elevated mood in mania or in organic -related conditions, such as in senile dementia, brain tumors at the end, in progressive paralysis and as a result of intoxication is called euphoria.

In psychology euphoria is rated a mental state of intense good feeling to feel happiness, objective and sometimes inappropriately elevated mood and an increased drive. The euphoria corresponds to a sustained activity in the nucleus accumbens of the brain. The condition may also by some drugs, such as opiates, are caused. Biologically euphoria triggered by the neurotransmitters dopamine and / or serotonin. Triggers can also be alcohol, drugs and other drugs. In sports, extreme physical benefits can also cause euphoria after some time, as it is often described, for example, by long distance runners who are physically exhausted, the so-called runner's high. The state of euphoria is also set after recovering from extreme situations that can be simulated, such as bungee jumping.
