
Eurasianism (Russian Евразийство ) is called a in the 1920s by Russian exiles formulated ideology. Central to this belief is the geopolitical notion that Russia stands as a continental power in a fundamental opposition to the Anglo-Saxon Atlantic world. It thus represents an attempt to pass through differentiation from others and construction of the self to a holistic identity.

Development of Eurasianism

The idea of ​​Russia's relationship with Asia goes back to the philosopher and linguist Nikolay Sergeyevich Trubetzkoy and geographers, economists and philosophers Pyotr Savitsky. The worldview of the former was based Eurasians as a starting point for further reflection on the assertion that there was an insurmountable contradiction between the Eurasian culture of the Russian Empire on the one hand and the Roman civilization of Western Europe on the other. The heart of the theory, the dar. "space" Here is the further assumption that the character of each culture bemesse to their respective specificity of the territory. Applied to Russia, this means that Russia is a Eurasian culture that is contrary to European coastal culture and from the influence of the Asian side of liver.

In the Soviet Union the geographer and turkologist Lev Gumilev eurasistische the ideas developed from the 1960s on. Contrary to the Euro -centric school of thought from the Tatar - Mongol yoke during the Mongol rule of 1240-1480 represented Gumilev also the view of a culturally fertile symbiosis of the Mongolian nomads with the Eastern Slavic inhabitants of the forest. By incorporating biologically deterministic elements to Gumilev but distant from the classical Eurasians. His idea of a restoration of an alliance between Slavs and Steppe peoples took place only at the end of the autocracy of the CPSU distribution.

Neo - Eurasianism

The currently most important representative of Neo- Eurasianism is Alexander Dugin, first founder of the National Bolshevik Party of Russia, the Eurasian Party ( 2002). He refers in addition to Russian Eurasisten on Carl Schmitt and the traditionalists Rene Guenon and Julius Evola. as well as the religious philosopher Konstantin Nikolaevich Leontiev.

Reception outside Russia

In Turkey since the 1990s rezipieren left nationalist parties, such Perinçeks Workers' Party Dogu, eurasistisches ideas. They have ties to Dugin. Background is the fear that the integration of Turkey into the EU and NATO threatens the sovereignty of the nation.
