Eureka: A Prose Poem

Eureka ( German "Eureka " ) was one of the last great works of the American author Edgar Allan Poe, written in 1848. It is the representation of a cosmogony that touches both the themes of religious studies and the natural sciences.

Intention of the text is the existence of God and the return of all created things to God in the sense of Apokatastasis, ie, a restoration of the primeval paradise, explain. Basis of Poe's argument is that at the time prevailing worldview of the cosmos as a sphere. In essence, one can rewrite Poe's thesis as follows in summary: Imagine the beginning of all things a core in a ball and a resident in divine power. This energy causes for any reason, that the core auseinanderbirst and the debris is scattered in all directions within the sphere. Poe is now trying to lead evidence that the laws of physics, which are the interior of a sphere to basically all particles up to a certain limit down to spread - is in fact to the outermost shell of the ball reaches - but then inevitably the middle - must return one piece sooner, the other later, depending on size, weight, volume and other factors associated with the debris piece - as if to God.
