Europe Day

As Europe Day two days referred to in the year on which a holiday for Europe is committed. The 5th of May each year, commemorates the formation of the Council of Europe on 9 May each year, commemorates one of the Schuman Declaration.

May 5 - European Day of Europe

This Europe Day, which is celebrated since 1964, commemorates the formation of the Council of Europe with the signing of its Statutes on 5 May 1949 in London.

May 9 - Europe Day of the European Union

Based on an idea by Jean Monnet, Robert Schuman, French Foreign Minister suggested on 9 May 1950 in his Paris speech, to create a production Coal and Steel. This became known as the Schuman Declaration and led to the founding of the European Coal and Steel Community ( ECSC ), also called Coal and Steel Community, which should form the foundation of today's European Union.

At the Milan Summit of Heads of State and Government in 1985, it was decided at the suggestion of Adonino Committee, in memory of this event on 9 May each year to celebrate the European Day of the European Union, held at the numerous events and festivities now since 1986. At the same time, Europe Day is a day off for many staff of the EU institutions, the European Parliament, nevertheless, meet, as far as May 9th falls on a group, committee or Plenumstag.

Article I- 8 of the EU Constitutional Treaty of Europe Day was explicitly listed along with other symbols of the European Union. After the failure of the Constitutional Treaty, this was not included in the Treaty of Lisbon.

In Kosovo is Europe Day public holiday.
