European Association for Theoretical Computer Science

The European Association for Theoretical Computer Science ( EATCS ) is an international society for theoretical computer science with a focus on Europe, which was founded in 1972.

The founding members include Maurice Nivat, Jaco de Bakker, Corrado Böhm, Mike Paterson. The organization annually awards the EATCS Award, publish the magazines Bulletin of the EATCS and Theoretical Computer Science (TCS, founded in 1975 and appearing at Elsevier ) and monographs on computer science ( rows Texts in Theoretical Computer Science, Monographs in Theoretical Computer Science).

With the Association for Computing Machinery ( ACM) Special Interest Group on Algorithms and Computation Theory ( SIGACT ) they awarded the Gödel Prize ( named after Kurt Gödel ) and the ACM Symposium on Principles of Distributed Computing ( PODC ) the Dijkstra Prize ( Edsger W. Dijkstra named after ). There are also prizes for the best work and the Presburger Award for Young Scientists (since 2010, named after Mojżesz Presburger, the Presburger arithmetic in 1929 was as a student ).

They organize an annual conference series since 1972 International Colloquium on Automata, Languages ​​and Programming "( ICALP ), the conference proceedings published since 1976 in the Lecture Notes in Computer Science ( LNCS ) by Springer Verlag.

They have an Italian and French as well as a Japanese sub-organization ( with EATCS members of the respective countries) and are associated with the European Association for Computer Science Logic ( EACSL ), the Computability in Europe ( CIE) and internationally with the ACM SIGACT.
