European Fair Trade Association

The European Fair Trade Association (EFTA, European Federation of German Trade Fair ) is a non-governmental organization (NGO) consisting of a coalition of 10 Fair Trade organizations in nine European countries.

Overall, the members of EFTA fair trade products of about 400 economically disadvantaged producer groups in Africa, Asia and Latin America import.

Member States of EFTA

The member organizations of the EFTA in each country are:

  • Belgium: magazine du monde - Oxfam
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland ( UK): Traidcraft. Plc, Oxfam Market Access Team
  • France: solidarity Monde
  • Germany: Matched Fair Trade Company
  • Italy: Ctm Altromercato ( Bolzano )
  • Netherlands: Fair Trade Organisatie
  • Austria: EZA
  • Spain: Intermon, Advocacy Dept., Ideas.
  • Switzerland: claro fair trade

After many years of informal cooperation, the EFTA was established in 1990. Ten years later, it plays a key role in the harmonization and coordination of activities of Fair Trade.

Sales figures and distribution

  • 2001: 150 million euros
  • 2000: 127 million euros
  • 1999: 115 million euros