European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion

The European Research Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion ( European Observation Network for Territorial Development and Cohesion earlier European Spatial Planning Observation Network), short ESPON, is a 2002 by the European Commission gerufenes into life research network for the monitoring of the European Spatial Development and is a program under objective 3 for European spatial cooperation under the umbrella of the European regional Development Fund.

29 countries take part in ESPON: the 25 EU Member States plus 4 more, including Switzerland and Norway. It is a transnational cooperation for a comprehensive space observation. In addition, to be used with this network cooperation between the European Commission, the Member States, research institutions and relevant administrations promoted and synergy in the context of spatial development and spatial planning. These sets ESPON comparative information, data, analyzes and scenarios on territorial dynamics available and shows how spatial potentials for the development of regions and larger areas of cooperation to improve Europe's competitiveness, improve spatial cooperation and for a sustainable and balanced development are used can.
