European Parliament election, 2009 (Sweden)

  • Majority of the S & D
  • Majority of the EPP
  • Majority of the ALDE
  • Majority for the Greens / EFA

The European elections in Sweden took place on June 7, 2009. She was part of the taking place across the European Union European elections in 2009, with Sweden 18 presented by 736 Members of the European Parliament. Under the Treaty of Nice, this was a deputy less than in the previous European elections in 2004. Upon entry into force of the Lisbon Treaty on 1 December 2009 indented two more Swedish representative in the Parliament after.

Selection mode

The elections were held under the proportional representation system, with the whole of Sweden formed a single constituency. As for the elections to the Swedish parliament there was a 4% electoral threshold.


The final result of the vote was announced on 11 June 2009 by the Swedish Election Authority Valmyndigheten. Strongest party were as in the 2004 European elections, the Socialdemokraterna before the conservative Moderate Erna, who could each hold their seat number. Main winner of the election were the green Miljöpartiet and especially the Piratpartiet, which won 7.13% of votes and a seat in Parliament from the state. Loser was next to the left Vänsterpartiet especially the Eurosceptic Junilistan, which lost all three seats in parliament.

The turnout was 45.5 %, higher than in the 2004 European elections ( 37.9 %), but significantly lower than in the last elections to the Swedish Parliament in 2006 ( 82.0 %).
