European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research

The European Society for Opinion and Market Research ( ESOMAR ) has worldwide to promote the goal of the market and public opinion research to improve decision making in business and society. The union claims to have about 4,500 members (as of 2007 ) from more than 100 countries worldwide.

She has published in 1948 a professional code of conduct which should underpin confidence in the market and public opinion research. 1977 as a common standard by the International Chamber of Commerce ( ICC) and ESOMAR was the ICC / ESOMAR International Code published for the practice of market and social research. The standard is internationally recognized by more than one hundred national associations of market and social research.

For the 2007 revision made ​​under this Code has been proposed to allow the publication of data under certain circumstances and thus reveal the anonymity with the express consent; Critics point to a need to distinguish between the Anonymats demo copy and direct marketing. The new Code has been in force since 1 January 2008.

" Even if some participants in a study express the explicit request that their data (also) be transmitted in a non anonymous form to the client, which may not be met. In this case, the participants may be called only a contact address of the client, so that they themselves optionally can contact the Contracting Authority. "
