European Travel Commission

The European Travel Commission (ETC) is the umbrella organization of 35 national and two Belgian tourism marketing organizations in Europe and represents Europe in the UNWTO, the World Tourism Organization of the United Nations.


The ETC was founded in 1948 and has its headquarters in Brussels. Your task she sees in the global application ( marketing ) of the target Europe to other continents (especially in the U.S., Canada, Latin America, China, Japan and Australia).

The budget of the ETC was in 2009, including the subsidiary CET Marketing Services SPRL around 1.5 million euros ..

Responsible persons

For the President of ETC Hedorfer, Chief Executive Officer of the German National Tourist Board (DZT ) was elected on 11 June 2010. Chief Executive Officer since July 1, 2010, the Belgian Raf de Bruyn.


Members of the ETC are (in alphabetical order):
