
The Breitkopf flies ( Eurychoromyidae ) are a family of two-winged flies (Diptera ). They are counted among the flies ( Brachycera ). Worldwide, only the type Eurychoromyia Mallea is known and these are only four copies of a collection trip to Bolivia in 1903. Two of the type specimens in the collection of the Natural History Museum in Vienna, the other in the Museum of Zoology Dresden.

Over the life of the Breitkopf Flying nothing is known, as well as on the larval development. The only previously known locality situated at the foot of the Bolivian Andes near the village Serampiuni.

The representatives of the species Eurychoromyia Mallea are about five millimeters long, the head having a width of 2.5 millimeters. The color of the fly is light brown. They have a number of other characteristics that are typical of these flies and justify a classification as a separate family. In addition to the very broad head also includes the specific form of the antennae and a clasp at the hip ( Präcoxa ) and some other very specific characteristics. The systematic position of the Breitkopf flying is unclear, they are grouped together based on common features with other Fliegentaxa.
