Eurynome (Oceanid)

Eurynome (Greek Εὐρυνόμη / Eu̯runómɛ ː / " wide donor " ) is one of the Oceanids, the daughters of Oceanus and Tethys the. Her name is composed of the Greek εὐρύς / Eurus / "wide, wide " - related to Mycenaean. / eu̯ru / as a prefix for proper names and ai. urú " far " - and νόμη / nómɛ ː / " pasture / fodder / livestock; Aus-/Verteilung ".

Eurynome and Thetis hid for nine years Hephaestus in the sea from the wrath of Hera after she threw him from Mount Olympus, after this many tools for both sea goddesses made ​​. Because of this Community action a common relationship as daughters of Nereus ( Nereids ) was suspected. With Zeus, whose third wife she was, begot according to many ancient scholar Eurynome the three Charites / Graces, Aglaia, Euphrosyne and Thalia, and according to some ancient people also the river god Asopus. Married but she was, among other things, according to a Song of Orpheus with the snake god Ophioneus ( Ophion ), with whom she was in front of Cronus and Rhea ruler of the gods. They were defeated by them and thrown into the sea. Nevertheless, it is how those counted by Callimachus to the Titans and appears as reading next Erytheia and Euryale on an inscription of the Pergamon Altar.

According to Pausanias Eurynome was venerated in Phigalia in Arcadia: Your was a result of the uneven floor of the way shrine dedicated surrounded by cypress forests, in which there was a cult image of wood. Pausanias could not see this because the sanctuary every year the public was made available only once and was otherwise closed. He was told, however, that gold chains included the wooden image and up to the hips human, including a fish - was designed - that is similar to a modern mermaid. The people of Phigalia saw Eurynome as epithet of the goddess Artemis and used it at the epiclesis, a resemblance to the wooden image was, however, not given. Sacrificed her was from government and private sources.
