Eusko Alkartasuna

Eusko Alkartasuna (EA ) ( German Basque Solidarity) is a Basque, Socialist Party in the Basque country ( both in Spain and in France). Acting chairman of EA since 1999 Begoña Errazti (* 1957).

The logo of the party, the letters EA in white on a half green, half red oak leaf dar. epithet of the party is Sozialdemokrazia Euskal ( Basque Socialists ). Elkartasun is the Basque word for solidarity, alkartasun is the dialectal variant of Biscay.

The EA was founded in September 1986 by Carlos Garaikoetxea as a splinter group of the Basque Nationalist Party ( PNV ). The first party congress took place in 1987 in Pamplona and chose Garaikoetxea for the first party chairman. It differs ideologically from the conservative Christian PNV and describes itself as social democratic, pacifist and non-denominational. EA is in favor of the independence of the Basque Country.

Election results

On 30 November 1986, the EA first came on to elections. In regional elections in the Autonomous Region of the Basque Country, the EA received 180,000 votes in the three provinces.

At European level, the EA involved in the European Free Alliance (EFA ), the collective movement of European regional parties. Under the alliance, it occurs together with other Spanish parties, the Chunta Aragonesista, the Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, the Partido Andalucista and the Bloque Nacionalista Galego on to European elections. In the European elections of 2004, this list connection reached a seat in the European Parliament, the first by Bernat Joan i Marí (ERC ), after his retirement from Parliament in June 2007 by EA member Mikel Irujo was taken.

In the elections to the Spanish Congress of Deputies, 2004, the EA received 80 613 votes (0.32 %) and won a seat in Parliament for the lawyer Begoña Lasagabaster Olazábal (* 1964, Irun ). In the 2008 elections the party domiciled but again lost. In the Basque Country it received about 30,000 fewer votes than in 2004, and came instead to 6.48 %, only 4.49 %.

At the regional level, the EA in the Basque Country was formed in 1991 a coalition government with the PNV under Prime Minister Juan Jose Ibarretxe ( PNV ) since 2005 expanded to EB, the Basque sister party of the Spanish United Left ( Izquierda Unida, IU ). PNV and EA came here for electoral reasons for the regional elections in 2005 as a joint list and together received 38.6 % of the vote and 29 seats, seven of which went to the EA. At the regional elections on March 1, 2009, EA went back to alone. She tried to sell it through a more separatist course of the PNV and at the same time to address the potential voters, which was vacated by the prohibition of left-wing nationalist parties ANV and EHAK. However, they achieved with this strategy only a single seat (3.7% of the vote) and fell behind so the only remaining legal party of the far left of the political spectrum quite significant nationalist camp, the small party Aralar back. In addition, since EB also suffered losses and government formation was initially open after the elections. Through an alliance with the Partido Popular (PP ) of the Socialist Patxi López of the PSE -EE was chosen ( Basque branch of the PSOE) to Lehendakari ( President of the Basque Parliament ) on 5 May 2009, bringing the three -decade reign of the Basque nationalists was terminated.
