Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia

The Evangelical Church of the Augsburg Confession in Slovakia ( ECAV ) ( Slovak Evanjelická cirkev augsburského vyznania na Slovensku ) is a Lutheran church in Slovakia and as such a member of the Lutheran World Federation.

The church was founded in the years 1921-1922. From 1948 to 1989 she was controlled by the Communist government in 1993 she gave herself a new constitution.

With about 370,000 members (about 7 % of the population ) is the ECAV by the Roman Catholic is the second largest church in Slovakia. It currently has 326 parishes and 657 churches and about 355 active parish people. Presiding Bishop ( General Bishop ) since 2006 Miloš Klátik. In addition, there are ever a bishop for the Eastern and the Western District.
