Evangelisch-Lutherische Gebetsbruderschaft

The Evangelical Lutheran Brotherhood Prayer is an evangelical community. It is divided into the convents of northern, central and southern Germany, which each have their own story and banded together in 1991.

The central German convent was founded in 1954. He went from a liturgical research group of cantors and students - mainly in Leipzig - out, the movement comes from the singing week after 1945 and of the Lutheran revival in the Brethren Church St. Ulrici was suggested in Braunschweig.

The members of the Brotherhood see it as their task to

  • To regularly read the Bible and study the confessions of the Lutheran Church,
  • In a policy covering them all formulation for the Church and the Brotherhood, and to pray for one another,
  • To practice the Divine Office and
  • Vouch for the validity of the Lutheran confession.

The Evangelical Lutheran Brotherhood holds prayer Liturgy of the Hours according to its own breviary in German language. The meetings of the brothers are shaped by the liturgy of the hours after this breviary.
