Everyday life

In everyday life one understands routine processes among civilized people in the daily and weekly cycle.

Everyday life is much more by repeating patterns of work and ways of consumption (shopping and eating ), leisure, personal care, social and cultural activities, visits and sleep coined. Everyday life is viewed as the contrast to the holiday or feast day or for vacation. In everyday conversation, the unplanned, casual contact in the neighbors and friends is expressed.

Sociological view

Many sociologists, among them the French Henri Lefebvre, Roland Barthes and others have dealt with the study of the everyday culture of the people. Pierre Bourdieu's sociological research, mostly rooted in everyday life were primarily empirically oriented sociology of culture and can be assigned. Following on from the structuralism, Bourdieu tried to combine subjective factors with objective realities. The cultural theory of Bourdieu compares interactions of everyday life with a game. The individuals have different numbers of potentials of various kinds that can use them and transform partially. He pointed - everyday observations einbringend - after that subtleties of language such as accent, grammar, pronunciation, and style are a crucial factor in social mobility (for example, the acquisition of a better paid and more highly valued profession ).

Anthony Giddens main focus is on how actions can extend over space and time, and this by looking at the area of ​​the unconsciously driven everyday action. Torsten Haeger beach analyzed points in space and time. Erving Goffman's studies of patterns of behavior, interaction rituals, role distance as well as personal self-presentation in everyday life have influenced recent sociological approaches. The constitutional analysis in Alfred Schutz allows a personal ( subjective ) ideal-type construction, the understanding of actions made ​​possible by the comparison with everyday social situation secular elements ( be it by post hoc explanations ).

Harold Garfinkel is the founder of ethnomethodology, in which he has the methodological program of Alfred Schutz applied empirically in some cases. This dealt act mutually oriented in sociological structures of the everyday world and act according to the course seemingly everyday knowledge with questions like humans. The contribution from Garfinkel consists primarily be made available to natural and familiar appearing in detail the behavior examinable and sociological research. Eviatar Zerubavel recognized the exemplary life in hospitals. Michel de Certeau's most famous and influential work is the art of acting (Berlin ( Merve ) 1988), a sociological theory of everyday life and consumer behavior.

Philosophical consideration

In the context of ethical consideration are the so-called bourgeois virtues - love of order, industry, thrift, cleanliness and punctuality - focused on the practical accomplishment of everyday tasks. They often are at the contrast to the other in ideals oriented virtues ( cf. Otto Friedrich Bollnow: On the nature and change of virtues, pp. 31 ff.)

In Heidegger everyday means those aspects of human existence, which are characterized neither by inauthenticity nor authenticity. See also: existentials.
