Evolution (1971 film)

Evolution is a Canadian animated short by Michael Mills from the year 1971.


An earth -like landscape is quiet and uninhabited since. Only in a lake begins life: Small unicellular start giggling and chuckling with the cell division, look at two-celled at each other and form every now and then multicellular structures which are later eaten by predatory fish, which are eaten by larger predatory fish that large marine organisms be eaten. At some point, one -legged, wingless bird rescues beings fleeing a predator on land. The sun suddenly dries up the lake and it turns out that only the bird can breathe on land.

Alone, the bird is bored and soon begins to give whining noises. There is a bird lady who is interested in it. The reproduction begins, it is about laying eggs, the children run finished from the disrupted by the father eggs, or an oven function, in which the short-time alarm clock -like ringing indicating the Schlüpfstatus of children and opens the womb via a flap.

At the end of the first four-legged creature begins to get up on two legs, as it looks at a bird. There is a female, the reproduction on the Aufpusten the nose-like proboscis, which lets the children jump out of the head of the nut, also leads to the birth of aliens. This soars with his spaceship rent to earth, where it provides a great sensation.


Evolution 1972 for an Oscar in the category " Best Animated Short Film " nomination, but could not prevail against The Crunch Bird himself.

In 1971, Michael Mills won the Canadian Film Award in the category " Animation".
