Ewa reactor


The reactor Ewa in 1974

The research reactor Ewa (short for of experimental, water and Atomic - Eksperymentalny, Wodny, Atomowy, Eve Curie ) was the first research reactor in Poland and was in the Institute of Atomic Energy ( Instytut Energii Atomowej ) in Otwocker district Świerk.


1958, the reactor was taken at the Institute for Nuclear Research in Świerk in operation. The reactor was the basis for new scientific and technological developments in Poland. The neutron beam from the reactor were used for 30 years for various purposes. Radioactive isotopes, produced by irradiation in the reactor core, are the basis for the development of nuclear techniques, medical therapy and diagnostics, industrial applications and scientific research. The nuclear physics and engineering sciences as well as the nuclear electronics have been developed in Poland with the help of the reactor Ewa. The original power of the reactor was increased by a modernization of 2 MW to 10 MW. The owner is the Institute of Atomic Energy. Construction began on January 1, 1955. On 14 June 1958, the reactor was put into operation. On February 24, 1995, he was off. The leichtwassermoderierte and slightly water -cooled reactor was the type TANK WWR from the Soviet type WWR -S, it was originally operated with enriched to 10% uranium and had a thermal output of 10,000 kW. The fissile material as well as the enriched uranium came from Russia.

Data of the reactor

The reactor Ewa had the following data:
