Exchange variation

In the Exchange Variation of the Queen's Gambit is an opening of the chess game. The Exchange Variation is one of the closed-end games. It is classified in the ECO codes D35 and D36 as.

Each of the main variants begin with the following features:

1 d2 -d4 d7 -d5 2 c2 - c4 e7 - e6 3 Nb1 - c3 Ng8 - f6 4 c4xd5 e6xd5

The main variants of the exchange variation include:

  • 5 Lc1 - f4
  • 5 Lc1 - c7 - c6 g5 6 e2 -e3 - e7 Bf8 ( Bc8 - f5 7 Dd1 -f3 leads to Bf5 g6 - 8 Lg5xf6 to a black doubled pawns on f6 ) 7 Dd1 -c2 0-0 8 Lf1 -d3 - d7 Sb8

More 9 Sg1 -f3 Rf8 - e8 10 0-0 Nd7 -f8 is an important regrouping and reaches a known position in the exchange variation of the Queen's Gambit, in the Black Nf6 -e4 has prepared for him with exculpatory Abtausch. This occurs after 11 Ta1 -b1, what the minority attack b2- b4 signaled a. 11 Lg5xf6 Le7xf6 causes 12 b2- b4.

  • 5 Lc1 - c7 - c6 g5 6 Dd1 -c2
  • The occurred in the Orthodox defense, Rubinstein trap was a position of the exchange variation of the Queen's Gambit.

Opening idea

Characteristic of this variant are the asymmetric Bauer chains. This farmer 's formation is also called Carlsbad pawn structure. White tries to be active as a rule by a minority attack on the queenside. To this end, serve trains b2- b4, a2 -a4 and b4 - b5 and the half-open c-file.

Black, however, is preparing mostly ( with a later f7 - f5 and of the Exploitation of the diagonal c8 - h3 ) in front of a kingside attack.

Alternatively, there is the generally customary Lf1 -d3 the white building with Sg1 - e2, f2 -f3 to prepare e3 - e4, as it has been applied by Mikhail Botvinnik and Kasparov.

The Exchange Variation is a very solid opening where the fight is strategically coined. It is used, among others, former World Champion Anatoly Karpov of players such as Alexei Shirov and.

  • Chess opening