
An exhibition (also called " Exposure ") is a permanent or temporary public presentation at the exhibition objects (" exhibits ") can be shown to an audience. An exhibition conveys knowledge through exhibits, so it is in this sense a knowledge medium. At an exhibition project usually several people / institutions / companies are involved, since it raises in addition to content and design, technical and logistical problems.

Exhibition species

Among the permanent exhibitions are constantly flaunted collections, for example, from the collection of museums. A thematically and temporary exhibition is called special, is rebuilt them after the breakdown in a different place, so it is called a traveling exhibition. If an artist 's paintings in a commercially oriented gallery, the exhibition is also called Accrochage (French for " suspension ").

The diversity of the exhibits there are no limits. Distinction can be drawn between, for example, by subject:

  • Exhibitions on certain aspects of the history and Specialties
  • Culturally oriented exhibitions ( art exhibitions, presentation of archaeological finds, products of arts and crafts and folk art, etc.)
  • Scientifically oriented exhibitions,
  • Technically oriented exhibitions, etc.

When it comes to commercial products of commerce and industry or to access services in the exhibits to be presented to their commercialization, and if the event takes place at regular intervals, so this is called fair.

A World Expo is a technically and arts and crafts oriented international showcase.

The venue can serve any appropriate private or public space depending on the nature of the exhibition. Typical venues include museums, art galleries, galleries, exhibition palaces, town halls, churches, exhibition halls and trade fairs.

Exhibition design

The artwork is divided firstly into the standardized layouts ( see Corporate Design) of the print media for public relations (catalog, poster, folder, invitation card, etc. ) and on the other in the scenography. Important elements of the exhibition design are the premises themselves, the object and department signage, the parking and dividing walls, the lighting and the display cases.

Definition in Germany

The term is governed by Title IV, § 65 of the Industrial Code.
