
An exocentric construction is a grammatical construction that belongs as a whole to another form class as all its components ( constituents ). So the word group will perform a different grammatical function, has a different meaning or has other features than any of its parts. The opposite to this is a endocentric construction in which is always an element occurs ( the so-called "head" ) belonging to the same form class as the entire unit.

Term origin

The terms exo-/endozentrisch were introduced by Leonard Bloomfield. While the term endo - centric points out that the construction of a (ie, a head ) has a " center " in its interior, the term indicates exo - centric, that the design behaves as if her real center " outside " is or be added from the outside. their intrinsic characteristics.

Exocentric compound words

The difference between exocentric and endocentric occurs with the compound words ( compound words ) on. Endozentrisches a compound refers to a subject of the same kind as it is known from the right member of the compound word ( the right member is the head of the compound word, also in terms of grammatical characteristics):

The slipper: a type of shoe ( masculine, as well as shoe is masculine ) the shoe house: a type of house ( neuter, as well as house is neuter ) Exocentric compound words are characterized in that their grammatical category ( noun, adjective, etc. ) and characteristics such as gender can not be explained from the properties of a head, or that the subject matter to which they relate, from any of their parts derived. Examples:

The hiccups: From the verb swallow (s) and the preposition / particle on - But overall a noun ( masculine ) the rendezvous: Set from the composite verb ( in the imperative ) with object pronouns you - But overall a noun ( neuter ). see also

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