ExPASy (English " Expert Protein Analysis System ", in German "Technical Scientific Protein Analysis System " ) is a portal for bioinformatics tools, which (SIB ), was invented and directed by Amos Bairoch by the Swiss Institute of Bioinformatics. In addition to the protein database Swiss Prot ExPASy is a server that offers a variety of bioinformatic tools, scientific sources and other databases and software tools in almost all the different fields of life sciences. ExPASy covers the areas of proteomics, genetics, phylogeny / systems biology, evolution, population genetics, Transkriptomie, the Drug Design and biophysics. It represents one of the main server for protein analysis, with 53 tools offered and 25 databases. The individual areas (databases, bioinformatics tools, etc.) are decentralized are of 20 different SIB groups that spread across Switzerland, supervised and edited. In addition, external sources are linked and integrated into ExPASy. In addition, a search function is integrated into the portal, which allows to search in selected sources of the portal. The ExPASy Server is quality tested, unlike, for example, data on PubMed from the National Center for Biotechnology Information ( NCBI). The site is designed so that both experts and people who only occasionally use bioinformatics databases and tools that can find their way.

Since the creation of the ExPASy portal on 1 August 1993 to 5 April 2007, the server was queried a billion times.
