Expectation (epistemic)

The term expectation plays a central role in sociology. Firstly, it describes the adoption of an agent about what would do one or more other ( anticipatory expectancy ) or what he or others should do reasonably ( normative expectation ).

If an expectation disappointed, then it is usually changed, but also maintained in a few cases ( counterfactual stability).

The socio- biological and biosocial dowry of the people to look ahead by observing and learning that leads him to his socially influenced expectations that all - vague or solidified - shape his social action. This ranges from everyday behaviors to his religious and social structures. As a result, each sociology concerned with " expectations ".

These include the assumptions of a reference group about what has to do a position holders. Thereafter, it is judged as an actor embodied his social role. See role expectation.

The "reflexive mechanism " (Luhmann ) of the " expectation of expectations " in the everyday practice of social interaction plays a fundamental role not only in terms of explanation, but also in relation to the genesis of identity and reflexive thinking. The "reflexive mechanism " is reflected in any facet of social activities, from the most mundane acts to highly specific processes: live as expectations in the field of trading, especially of derivatives speculation and hedging transactions a significant role held.

When Adaptive expectation is called an expectation in which the individual uses his past experiences to form his expectations. As a rational expectation is referred to, however, an expectation, in which the individual uses all available information to form their expectations.

The commonly used term expectations is a prime example of a pleonasm, because every expectation is automatically an attitude. However, the doubling of the expression does not increase the sense of the word, hence the term "expectation" should preferably be used.

The motivation psychology formulated an expectation -by- value model, according to which depends on the motivation for a particular behavior of the subjective expectations and the value to be achieved.
