Extensible Metadata Platform

The Extensible Metadata Platform (XMP ) is a standard for metadata, so at a photo, for example, data about the photographer, the equipment used and the recording location, embedded in digital media. It was released by Adobe in 2001, and for the first time integrated into the Acrobat Reader 5. In February 2012, is the core part of the XMP specification as an ISO standard ISO 16684 - 1erschienen.

XMP is built on open standards and embeds published by the World Wide Web Consortium formal language RDF (Resource Description Framework) in a binary data. Thus, the metadata should be integrated into various applications in a uniform manner so that the files can continue to be read by other programs. The format is supported by all Adobe products, third-party software as well as by providers of content management systems.

The original specification is the same as an SDK under an open source license. This was initially seen as not clear enough, what the SDK since version 4.1.1 is available under a BSD license. The XMP core part in the form of the ISO standard ISO 16684-1 is available for a fee at ISO.

XMP Toolkit

Adobe provides the XMP Toolkit is available that is divided into two parts:

  • XMPCore (used to create and modify the metadata using the XMP standards used )
  • XMPFiles