External cephalic version

The external version is a term used in obstetrics, the manual describes the change of the position of the child in the womb from the breech or transverse position. Here, a very experienced obstetrician tries to turn the baby from the outside through the abdominal wall. The child is in the womb make a " role " so that it changes from the rump in the cephalic presentation.

This takes experience and appropriate caution. The success rate is about 60 to 80%. Possible complications are reported in the literature with about 3%, ranging from small vaginal bleeding on fetomaternal transfusions to premature detachment of the placenta and Nabelschnurumschlingungen with drop in fetal heart rate.

For security should therefore be available a complete surgical team at each outer turn. If it should come to one of the rare complications described, there is an immediate cesarean section. Therefore, the intervention should take place only after the completed 37th week of pregnancy, as is assumed here of a corresponding maturity of the child.

Pictures of External cephalic version
