Extinction (psychology)

Extinction is called in the behaviorist theories of learning a learning process, after the conditional or instrumental response is no longer shown. This is neither to forget nor to unlearn, but with an additional learning, the temporary and context-dependent counteract the effects of conditional stimulus expire.

Important features of the extinction learning are spontaneous recovery, renewal and reinstatement. Spontaneous recovery indicates that extinction is only temporary, so that after completion of the Extinktionstrainings the conditional behavior occurs again after a certain time. With renewal refers to the observation that extinction learning is context-dependent, so is only effective in the learning environment. In a new environment of the conditioned stimulus has continued its effect. Re-enactment refers to the phenomenon that repeated presentation of the unconditioned stimulus to the seemingly unlearned conditioned stimulus returns its effect.

The extinction plays a role in both classical and operant conditioning. When Extinktionstraining in classical conditioning of the conditioned stimulus ( CS) is repeatedly presented without the unconditioned stimulus following (U.S. ) until the CS does not trigger a conditioned response more. Similarly, in instrumentally learned behavior of the stimulus repeatedly presented without following reinforcement until the behavior no longer occurs.

Classical conditioning

A dog that has learned that he is getting fed by the sounding of a bell, secretes saliva as early as after the bell. If the bell but no longer followed by the feeding, can also according to the salivation. From Pavlov's theory follows strictly speaking, that once learned reflex can never be completely erased. He is only inhibited by the absence of the unconditioned stimulus. This inhibition is initially not permanent, thus it comes to the phenomenon of spontaneous recovery of the reflex. The term extinction was never used by Pavlov himself; he always wrote of inhibition and attenuation. In the English translation was from extinction. Since Pavlov's works were translated from English into German (rather than directly from the Russian ), the translation error, also established in German as a technical term (extinction or delete).

Another theoretical explanation for the cancellation provided the early 1970s, the Rescorla -Wagner model. In fact, there is the process of extinction is, however, oversimplified, as the effects of spontaneous recovery, renewal and reinstatement of behavior could not be explained on the way, as it was predicted by the model.

Operant conditioning

In the context of operant extinction Konditionierens means that on the instrumental behavior no longer has to the consequence ( reward or punishment ) follows. If, for example, deprived of an amplifier, the body will first attempt, but to get through variability of the behavior of the amplifier yet. Then the rate of the behavior decreases to the initial level.

An example: Turning the ignition key ( = behavior) usually means that the engine of the car starts ( = amplifier). One morning, turning the ignition key to the driver, and nothing happens ( = extinction). The driver is now even more times to turn the ignition key ( = Extinktionsausbruch ), typically in "waves" ( after a short pause, he begins again to turn the ignition key ). Maybe he will plead with the car ( " Spring on !"), Beat on the dashboard etc. ( Variability of behavior). Only after a while he hears entirely, turn the ignition key (sinking of the behavior amount ) and makes bsp. the hood on or retrieves the workshop and so on ( = the driver shows the typical variance in behavior that arises as a result of extinction).

In practical terms, the absorbance as a method of behavior change difficult to achieve ( counter-example here :). A teacher who tries to extingieren the disruptive behavior of a student by trying not to pay attention to it ( the teacher's attention is viewed here as a positive reinforcer for the problematic behavior of the student ), it can be difficult to hold out. In extreme behavior he must still intervene ( and thus reinforces the behavior unintentionally), also is not his attention the sole source for the gain of disruptive behavior ( note the behavior of the classmates as well). In practice, therefore, more desirable combination of undesired behavior and absorbance positive reinforcement behavior is recommended ( differential gain ).

Another problem that can occur with the extinction is, in addition to emotional and aggressive responses of Extinktionsausbruch (English extinction burst ). Behavior that is placed on extinction, initially occurs more frequently than before. When parents try not to respond to the cries of their child, they will often experience that the child demands frequent, persistent and louder screams than before. Only then can the crying after ( when the attention of the parents of the amplifier for the cries of the child was ).

Clinical Psychology

In the clinic is called extinction a pathological phenomenon in which the patient spontaneously turns after simultaneous presentation of two stimuli, only one, the other but completely hides, ignored or not perceived. Frequently affects the contralateral proffered stimuli, with ipsilateral stimuli are preferred. This extinction arises in the context of selective brain disorder and has nothing to do with learning and conditioning. It occurs among others in a neglect, but is self-contained and often takes the rehabilitation phase, even if the symptoms of Neglects is already fallen.


  • Learning
  • Behaviorism